Setting the Record Straight

Angela Stiens on Abortion

I’ve knocked on thousands upon thousands of doors and found that Kansans actually agree on most aspects regarding the topic of abortion. The fact there is so much unity on this issue is encouraging.

For instance, the vast majority of Kansans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion and oppose late-term abortion. They support health and safety regulations, parental consent for minors, help for women facing difficult pregnancies, and desire adoption to be more affordable. They also support exceptions for cases involving like rape, incest, and life of the mother.  

In the August of 2022, Kansans spoke loud and clear and affirmed those positions.

This year, the legislature passed zero additional restrictions. Instead, we took steps where Kansans are unified, such as providing tax credits for pregnancy resource centers and expanding tax credits to make adoption more affordable for prospective parents. We also ensured that babies born alive receive medical care.

Unfortunately, my opponent and her extreme allies are attempting to deceive and divide voters with outrageous claims. Here are the facts: